A World of Ramblings

Monday, October 1, 2012

First Day of the Month

Today is October first. To many, this does not mean anything. For me, it means many things though. It's a Monday. I wonder how often that happens? What you may ask, how often a month begins on a Monday in a given year? I should look that up, though I seem to be too preoccupied to answer that, or even give the effort it requires.

I did everything I wanted to yesterday. Given that I finished last month the way it deserved to, this means that I could begin this month ready to tackle it down. I can get what I need to do, keep that determination and catch up on all the things that require my immediate assistance.

October is the month I want to break my cycle of laziness, slumber lust and just a haze of irresponsibility that I seem to be endowed with. I want to end all of that, go back to full time writing, make my decisions and follow up on them through the actions they require, however many pronged steps they may be. I want to create a routine and follow it, endlessly, all the time, without many deviations, getting things on done, when they need to be, on time, during the time I had allotted to them. I want to feel like I serve some sort of purpose again and that I am not a complete waste of energy, space and oxygen when these three things are growing scarcer by the day.

October, be the luck that I need. Bring me the determination I seem to be losing overnight.

Also, October is the month of Halloween, well, we all know my obsession with Halloween, don't we? Halloween decorations, crazy colors, and a good night to remember it all. Don't forget to watch scary movies!

I have hope for you October!

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