A World of Ramblings

Monday, October 8, 2012

XX Time

On the topic of acquaintances, it's also important to talk about same sex friendships that lasts over a long time. I am not sure why there are a lot of stereotyping about women who can't stay friends with one another for too long, for whatever trivial or purposeful reason, while men supposedly can. In my experience, there are people who does not value their friendship in general. People come and go from their lives when the time is up, or when their "usefulness" has been tested and now found no longer useful material. Some people value their friendships, and in return find people who also value friendships and believe that no good deed should go without being appreciated. That being sad, hence friendships are two-way streets and not everyone enters each friendship in such a mental state that over time,through circumstances and the business of life eventually erodes most of our friendships. This is expected, understood and even encouraged to learn many different things from different kinds of friends in our lives. Sometimes, people are just toxic and it is better to be rid of such "friends" from our lives, for the sake of our mental and physical health. Not keeping everyone of our friends is not something that is only bound to our gender. In fact, I think, it has very little to do with gender, but it has everything to do with our personalities.

That being said, as a woman, I cannot stress enough the purpose, significance and the role of women and their friendships in our lives. Sunday, was a great beginning for that, for me. It's been a long time that I had enjoyed the company of women this much, especially women whom I wanted to spend time with. As I grow older, I've come to appreciated the "girl time" as we commonly describe, more than before. I am not sure why, I didn't grow up in a particularly XY dominated household. However, I have always felt closer to my male friends and I've always had mainly male friends whose friendships I've cherished over long periods of time, withstanding the stormy weather of growing pains and changing lives. In my 25 though, things are not so different, but my perspective is slowly changing and how I am perceiving the world and these friendships are also incrementally changing by the experiences I am currently going through.

Maybe it's the common experiences of being a woman, or the expectations of eventually going through similar experiences that bonds us together. Perhaps, through cultural constructivism we learn to value similar things, assess similar worth to certain things, people, situations and learn to perceive the world from similar vantage points that our bonding and perhaps the dissolution of such bonds becomes inevitable. There is no such rule saying that all acquaintances grows into friendships and no rule saying all friends will stay with us for the rest of our lives, and neither should it. But it is imperative to find a good group of girlfriends whom you can count on for certain types of support at the very least.

A brunch with girls was on Sunday, one I immensely enjoyed and could not wait to come back to his arms. One we talked about things you could only talk with women, unsolicited, without being grimaced at and finding disturbed looks, or inability to understanding due to very basic biological differences. It's difficult to be a woman, but it's easier with girlfriends.

So I plan to do these brunches with the girls, once a month.

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