A World of Ramblings

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Friday Traditions

It's been nearly six months since we've begun this relationship. To be honest, I am not sure why I am writing this on here instead of in my journal where nobody besides me ever takes an interesting in that thing. But, my blog tab was open and I am too lazy at 11:14 on a Friday night to get off from my currently very comfortable bed, find my journal and write on it. Besides I have other topics on my mind to write about in my journal.

Back to where I was...It has been nearly six months since we've begun our relationship. We begun it quite happily, haphazardly, head first, head over heels in love. I think, there is very little I could complain about this relationship if I really wanted to. But I don't want to, so. But one of the many good points of our relationship is our Friday traditions. I am not sure how, when and where it began, but it began and developed quite unconsciously. I am counting my lucky stars that it has. There is an unspoken tradition between the two of us that seems to work like clock work. We both individually might be busy, sometimes the other might be busier. But it seems to work out that, no matter what, in what kind of a blindingly chaotic schedule we might be up keeping, we always meet for dinner on Fridays. Even if it's for a short while and we both have to separate our ways and do different things (i.e. he might go back to the lab to work some more and I might have to meet friends or decide to spend the entire Friday night at the library or something along those lines) we take the time to see one another on Fridays so that at least we know we've made the effort to spend some quality time in the beginning of he weekend. Let's be honest, between his demanding Professor and the things I want to accomplish, we don't always get to spend our weekends the way we would like to. At least, this guarantees us that we've spent some time together and we won't have any regrets (at least about not seeing each other)  even if all else goes down the crap chute.

I love the fact that we've slowly began our own traditions, in our own ways, some spoken, many unspoken. I take comfort in the fact that we've silently have come to agreements, conclusions and made silent pacts, deciding on things naturally, mutually and have continued them with minimal to no effort. To Friday Traditions...

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