A World of Ramblings

Saturday, October 20, 2012

When You're Home...

It's a little past two-thirty in the morning, where we are. In a bliss, we're both working away. You have grading to do, I have many things to catch up. Considering the months of neglect, well, I'll be trying to catch up with the rest of my life. The peaceful silence in the room, the tea pot's hissing sound on the stove, the shuffling of the papers, your sighs and confused looks on just how to grade these papers. The lamp by the wall adjacent to the kitchen is on. The third bulb has gone out and you seem nestled by the table so comfortably, it could be your office. You look serious, concentrated and happy. You're thinking, two birds with one stone. I am home, I came home early, we ate dinner, we had our tea and I am also doing work. What more can I ask? Silently we work away in the peace and solidarity we've found in our little home together.

Warmth has been the new theme of my life with you in it...

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