A World of Ramblings

Friday, October 12, 2012


Well, they are not any worthy news to anyone else but me. But life is a little slower, a little crueler and a little more depressing as of late. I don't know what it is, but I just cannot get myself to get off the bed and join the rest of the humanity. Every night, I keep saying, today is the last night. Tomorrow morning I will wake up early to a never fulfilled promise.

As if that isn't enough, things have gone from worst to horrendous. I don't know how we're going to manage from here on out. The whole family is in shambled, everyone's got their own difficulty and we unite in our sadness, misery and failure. It's like there is some sort of a gray cloud that by destiny it has been promised to us, to rain, no matter what, only upon our family and we are visited, and visited often at that. I wonder when we'll straighten our backs.

Everyone is fed up, exhausted, pushing the edges of their patience, tolerance and sympathies before we all turn into Agnostics with streaks of blue rebellion.

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