A World of Ramblings

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


And there is nothing like peace at home. The domestic schedule that has fallen into a rhythm and follows a routine, most days. What else can I ask for? Especially in these dire times of mine. Though, those never really quite seem to cease. It seems that I am constantly in a state of panic, depression, desperation, worry, adrenaline and hopelessness.

Things like these become my source of motivation and allow me to continue on living, at least with some degree of humanity and shreds of hope that I too, someday, will have a better, changed and more efficient life that I am not constantly being consumed by one thing or the other. At least now, I have many things to be thoughtful, thankful and hopeful for. I at least have things that are partially going great and has the potential to become something great, given time, effort and prayer.

Food was set, eaten, cleaned, cake prepared and eaten with a movie, all by 10:30. This day, this week holds a promise. I think and I deliberately hope for a better time from now on.

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