A World of Ramblings

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


It's slowly growing colder here. The leaves have started to change all of their colors in the last week that, even I couldn't keep up. It's also harder to keep up with them from the other side of the window, just staring out instead of feeling the fall down in my bone marrow.

I have to feel the Fall, I have to walk under it, in it, be surrounded by it to fall into the magic and for it to make miracles happen to me. Because, unless you take an active role in anything, no magic can ever happen by sleeping, or hoping some sort of miracle just happened. Action is the key role, key verb and the key strategy here. Though, I doubt, any kind of action would bring happiness, no action though is also a big no-no.

I love seeing all the warm, cozy and enchanting colors of the Fall. Every time, each year, it takes my breath away, sincerely and entirely. I like the wind to slash through my cheeks, reddening them with each step and slowly seeping all the way down to my bones, where I feel the chill right inside of me, I understand the Fabric of Time and the Cloth of Space. It is the time I feel most alive. The moon appears brighter and life, just ever so more delicate, reminding me, none of us are here to stay. We just take turns, guarding several things at once while succeeding and other times we also fail. I like hearing the noise the old, yellowed leaves makes under my feet. I like seeing them piled on front yards. The kid in me screams, "what are you waiting for, jump!" Most of the time, I listen to that voice. Getting soaked in the fall could lead to serious health problems later on, but nonetheless, each time, I want to take that long walk under the rain and get soaked till my socks. I feel as though my sins can be washed away with each drop, leaving me innocent, yearning and desiring once more.

Autumn, pumpkin spice lattes, apple cinnamon lattes, with it's muffins, cakes and what not is a must for the joy of the world.

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