A World of Ramblings

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Sailor Moon

Ah, who hasn't watched Sailor Moon, if you were a kid in the late 1990's and perhaps early 2000's.

The first anime I had ever watched was Sailor Moon and shortly after it, DragonBall Z. These were my first introductions to anime and well, I was enchanted right away. From there on, I became an adamant reader and watcher of both manga and the anime, much with joy and fascination. Which through the years accumulated to a intermediate understanding of the Japanese culture and language, which even further inspired me to understand and learn about the Japanese history, language and culture. Japan is number four in my list of places I want to visit the most. The list has 25 entries in it.

Now, the truth about Sailor Moon is that it is what it is. It's inspiring, it's enchanting and it's magical. There are a lot of different opinions and lenses to view Sailor Moon from. There are of course a lot of errors, inconsistencies and just certain things I do wish would have been different for continuum sake. I also would have loved the Sailor Moon series to be longer with more intricate details given and a deeper analysis shown throughout the stories. But I can't complain as Sailor Moon has given me my first streak of analytical, imaginative skills and my first real attempt at writing my own stories. Obviously, mine was a remake of Sailor Moon, with my own Sailor Senshi. Not very original, however it was an attempt which I will forever cherish as it gave me the confidence and the courage necessary to discover new worlds without prejudice and bias. It has introduced me to the wonderful world of manga and anime; two things to this day still influence my imagination and creative streak (my creative streak is in a short supply). SM has fostered an interest and appreciation for Science Fiction and Fantasy genres of anything that wouldn't be there without the help and introduction of Sailor Moon at the age of 13. I might other wise, never have been interested in Fantasy and Science Fiction genres. So I owe many thanks to Sailor Moon.

Other things I owe thanks to Sailor Moon is that time and time again it is a manga I can come back to and renew my childhood and reminiscence of my younger days without agony and regret. I can easily go back and identify my dreams, hopes and wishes of a teenager through Sailor Moon; in short it holds the key to a past era of mine. Whenever I feel sad, depressed there is nothing like picking up any chapter or arc of Sailor Moon and at the end see the final result of my spirits lifted, my new hopes shining brightly and my new found determination and courage. After reading through the story arcs, it leaves me with new ideas and allows me to focus on more women empowerment and reenforcing my long held views and long held desires are rekindled where I work voraciously to write new stories (most of them not so great) but it always gives me the jolt I need to restart working.

This is going to be a repeat, however, while I always had a sucky, but active imagination Sailor Moon and other manga and anime always has the potential to take my breath away. They always leave me with a new surge of ideas, inspired by them, questions asked, answered and even more questions awakened within my mind and lessons of humanity that stay true across the world and the differences between different cultures have always lead me to read books and watch movies from different cultures. With Sailor Moon, in my attempt to create something as great as Sailor Moon, I created a whole line of Senshi in which I don't even remember their names. By giving me that first courage to tempt me into putting something on paper I opened a whole new door for myself. My ability as a writer is still in it's early stages. I need to learn much. But with that first story, many stories followed, sometimes one succeeding the other, while there were times where I did not write or think about a story for a whole year. Whatever happened, without Sailor Moon's inspiration in my life, I would have never been this dedicated to writing and directing all of my efforts in a career in writing. I would have been lost without writing, searching for a purpose and a way to avail all of my bitterness, my problems with my self, the world in general would have never come to it's apex and I would have never learned to solve them properly. I would have never learned to be so frank about myself and come to accept myself as I am without the honesty that Sailor Moon encompasses in it's stories weaved through it's different arcs. Sailor Moon always gives me the strength I need to face myself.

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