A World of Ramblings

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Love in General

While I am a critic of relationships and possess a healthy dose of cynicism towards "love" today, it  doesn't meant that I don't particularly believe in love. The truth is, I do. I do believe there are people lucky enough to experience true, ever lasting love. Though, I believe their numbers are far too little and far too in between. I also believe they are extraordinary people who suffers thoroughly for the price of their love. I think it's one of the fundamentals of life. There is nothing for "free" to put it in simple terms. There is a price for everything and for everything we must pay prices that goes far beyond the currency of dollars, euros, dinars and liras.

Inherently, humanity is selfish for the purposes of existing. It's just coded into our DNA and it's something we can hardly escape. Though we write about heroic, knightly behavior in our epic poems, tales, elegies and dramas, it's something hardly many of us posses in our regular days where we struggle to make ends, deadlines and demands of having many identities fit. This leaves very little room to the sacrificial demands of love, compromise and the harbor those deep and noble thoughts and feelings love requires of an individual and a couple eventually.

So this translates into highly improbably statistics of love finding an individual nowadays in the modern world where we are trying to get to a higher level than those around us, her, him, they...and so on and so forth. Where we must constantly think of our wages, the security of our wages, the comforts of our lives, the more comforts we seek, how to acquire those comforts, and all the parties we could possibly attend. There is very little room for fantastical thoughts such as love and God in the post modern world.

Though, however, while many of us lives our lives through little lies, and the bigger lie we tell not to others, but are blind to ourselves also, we love the idea of love. So while many of us lives through without experiencing love, there are those individuals that I envy thoroughly who has experienced love, and sometimes even more than once. I used to think it's impossible to love more than once, and perhaps it still is. Though I think it's possible, just one must have a very large heart and a very open and transparent one at that. One I do not possess.

While, love exists, just many of us are not fortunate enough to live through it in our life time.

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