A World of Ramblings

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Friendships that doesnt last

We have to have these. The bad friends, the terrible people. People you wish, you just never had meet. People who wreck different aspects of your life.

They are just as nurturing and a growth spurt as those friends who we cherish with our own lives. They're nurturing in a different way then those lovable friends we have. They're nurturing because they teach us about the negativity of the world, the bad side of the world and the disadvantageous situations we might find ourselves in. I always say, it's easier to digest the lessons of life and it's also much easier to learn to handle difficult situations when you're younger. We develop our own self mechanisms to deal with them; hopefully healthy ones. Of course there are certain number of things that no children, teenagers or even more rare cases that no adult should ever have to face and deal with. However, with some sort of difficulties passed in our lives prepares us for the holes life digs up for each and every one of us.

Bad friends are important in a number of ways. They teach you the type of people you don't want to be. The friends you don't want to have and early on they teach you how to protect yourself in one way or another. They're a great way to teach a kid about conflict resolution and the insistence in believing in one's self. Of course, not everything goes the way we plan and hope. Anything, even as simple as buying bread could go wrong in this world. Learning what kind of people to be friends with and not is a good thing to learn early on. It saves a lot of heartache later on. Like, learning you could never be friends with a bully. You could never be friends with a manipulator, you could never truly tell where their hearts are. They'll manipulate any situation to benefit themselves. People like that never truly learn the meaning of sacrifice or to truly help someone. They wouldn't help you to be a better person, they'll only take what they seek in you, whatever that might be. Truth of life is often painful.

They can be fun and entertaining, not to mention informative about many other things that on our own we might have never discovered, or even taught up ourselves. Their tricks and tips might come in handy at different points of our lives. Everyone needs to have a bad friend to at least learn how other mentalities work and how to protect yourself from people with malignant mentalities. When you can at least guess where the harm might come, you can prepare yourself for it. Of course we could never be prepared for every single thing in our lives, but some preparation is always better than no preparation at all.

Bad friends also teach you how to say no. Once you learn to say no, to reject requests, no to certain help questions, certain advances, certain pleas and promises, life later on becomes easier to manage when we have to say no in order to protect ourselves better, or not to let others take advantage of us. We best learn to treat ourselves better and not others to take advantages of ourselves is through bad friends who mutilate us in various ways. We don't think of what we're giving up until we've already lost certain valuable treasures of our personalities, innocence and principles. That is the only time we learn to strongly hold on to the remaining principles and learn to fight for what we believe is right.

So, thank them for the valuable lessons they have taught you and now, you're a better person because of the strengths it has added to your already awesome personality. Now, you can help and be friends to other great people who will deserve and appreciate your honesty, helps and personality. People who are worth your time and efforts.

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