A World of Ramblings

Monday, May 14, 2012

The end of chances

But how many chances should you give to a person, a relationship, a job, a product? Giving second chances are essential pats of life, one I seek often. I make many mistakes and some are horrid. I continually ask to be forgiven and I continue to hope for my salvation and the day where things will softly subdue in my incessant mind. Will that day ever come? For all intents and purpose that is my biggest hope in life. But, certain behaviors get stuck. It becomes a part of person's personality, behavior and eventually character, in a vicious circle feeding and providing for one another. That is not to say that circle doesn't get broken--it does, just not often enough. I should know. Some people, to put bluntly, don't see anything in need of altering, changing or even tweaking for that matter. They don't want to change. The bottom line is, you have to decide if you can accept that person, relationship and etc., as they are with their flaws and strengths. If you can tolerate them without any change on their half, my hat is eternally off to you. Just don't waste your time hoping and praying for a change that is never going to come, not in a million years. That's just the way some people choose to mold themselves. If someone does not see a problem, they are not going to fix it. Many of us (I mean ME) have a difficulty of facing the problems we know we have and then to confront them and fixing them is something most of us (I mean me) often avoid. Something that is not broken in our eyes, is not even going to get the consideration of getting fixed. That behavior won't even be looked into simply put.

At the end, you should give everyone a second chance before cutting off all ties, erasing them from your life and no longer stay in contact. That person deserves it, you deserve it, and the connection you had deserves it. Some people grow very sorry after certain actions and if they demonstrate their remorse, there is no reason why you shouldn't give them a second chance (under normal circumstances). But you owe it to yourself to be happy. It's not wise to have a list of things you desire in a person. You're not buying things from the grocery store in which you can pass and do without. You are not buying products that have already been packaged and created. We're talking about real human beings, who you have to accept as they are, as they have to accept you as you are. If it's not working out; if you are unhappy, if it has become dangerous, hazardous and difficult, you owe it to yourself to do something about it. You can't wait for the other person to be miraculously cured and changed by the divine hand of angels. It's just not happening. They are not going to change and only you can be held accountable for your own actions and happiness.

Sometimes it is painful and sad. Sometimes you end up being the cruel and vicious one for letting go of a person from your life. It's unfortunate. But we have to do what is right eventually and if we cannot help a person, it's better to cut off your losses where you can so firstly, they can get the lesson they need from your departure and you can continue to live a happy, healthy life, growing with more experiences you now can encounter. The sad truth is if you don't look after yourself, it's very rare to find others who will.

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