A World of Ramblings

Friday, May 25, 2012

Jealous Husband

I've been seeing this quite often as of late. It's something that has got me to think thoroughly at night and in the morning, and of course through the oddest times when I am around those with children at events and such. I don't know if this was more common before my time, of it it's more common now.  But what's been crudely observable is the number of husbands who has become jealous of the time their wives spend with their children.

Pretty silly sounding--I know. At first I thought it was my skepticism towards marriage that was talking. But I dedicated a considerable amount of time and thought and the conclusion still remained the same.

While I understand the need and desire to be with a partner, considering those who marry, marry with all intentions and prayers to marry for a life time (at least the people I personally know, I am sure there are exceptions to this) and people remain together long after their kids head off to college and to lead their own lives. Regardless of my own interpretation and beliefs on love, most of us desire for someone to understand us and be there for us in our times of need and happiness. It's human nature to share those moments as much as selfishness is. But, children I think will always take the priority as it should.

While that's another topic for another day, it's quite strange to see jealous husbands act strangely towards their children and wives due to the influence of the green eyed monster that seems to create scales on their bodies.

Watching all of these husbands get frustrated, complain and then desire to be with, younger, childless women as fascinating as that is, it is also worrisome. I've mostly believed that while mothers' interest and capacity far oversees fathers' in most cases, lately this seems to produce enough evidence for me to restart considering single parenthood. Fathers' interest in their children, though altered tremendously since the beginning of the olden days, seems still shallow in consideration of what I know of mothers. Obviously my experiences are not universal and I am talking of rather a highly subjective observation.

The worst of my experiences has been the bad treatment of children by their fathers in order to take out their frustration. I obviously don't mean abuse, however you know those moments of snapping, bad mouthing, sometimes slacking of their duties as a father and the son and so forth. These little demons, wrapped in a blanket of joy, seems to take all of the fun of living together and come in the middle of all special times to make it all about them. The best years of their lives as a couple seems to be ruined by their tiny existences which makes their life turn around these little monsters. Fathers seem to complain more about this than the women I know, not to say there aren't women who wishes they had more time to themselves. But still, they are still happy with the way their lives with, with a tiny hand to hold their hand through life.

So, what kind of father will you be? A jealous husband, or a loving father, above and beyond?

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