A World of Ramblings

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

This Changes Everything.

Not really, not at all in all honesty. Well, before I confuse myself, the truth is that I made some new changes to the appearances of my blog. Not that I have a long list of followers who read and appreciate my work. However, I thought it was the time to update certain things to reflect both the changes I have personally and as an aspiring writer have gone through. Again, not that this changes anything at all. I am still in the stages of trying to discover my own inner voice and the difficulty of reflecting of that voice onto the paper; with all hopes and efforts to have it somewhat warm, credible, amusing and professional at the same time. Which, before you even think it, I know, it's impossible to do all of them at the same time. A writer can dream, right?
So, I've messed around with the templates, the font and what not, God knows what I actually ended up doing at 8 in the morning (I haven't slept yet). Was it good? Was it bad? Who really knows? Considering I will be biased in this case and considering there is not a single soul that has been particularly reading all of my work carefully up to now, to tell me and be the judge of this barely existing blog. Well, this blog does exist, for the sole purpose of letting me vent and make a fool out of myself by publishing my chaotic ramblings, that follow absolutely no logical procession in thought online. I don't even particularly remember, why I started this blog and since then have continued to write in, albeit unsuccessfully and inconsistently. However, I do know why I write in it as of recently; it gives me limits and boundaries to think about when I am writing which is something I desperately need as it is evident by the style, level and the content of my blog. Sometimes, I am inclined to write of personal matters and my real thoughts about certain topics, ideas, people and such. Most of the time, I shy away from doing such a ridiculous thing and instead write in my "thoughts journal" which no soul other than me can lay his or her eyes on. Then there are times I let it all be damned to hell. I barely make sense to myself, I doubt I make much sense to anyone else. To summarize, I continue to write because all of these rantings needs a space to go and I don't want to pollute my thought journals with the entries written on here. They do need a place to go to as I seem to desire to read and write everything and anything possible simultaneously--which let me tell you, does not work to relax the mind one bit--and they end up here because at least now they don't occupy space on my real space and I don't further continue to waste away beautiful trees that are diminishing to be never replenished again. I very evidently need some sort of restrictions in the way I talk and address my audience, along with the content I present here. I obviously need to go a long way before I can even begin to accomplish any small victories in this department along with any department of writing.
At the end, changes were made which I felt reflected my inner world as of recently. Were they justified? I do think it was time. Were they of good-natured and properly done? Well, I currently have no judge to tell me of such a thing.

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