A World of Ramblings

Friday, April 20, 2012


I can't quite recall how I got to know Mr.Gnome at all. They're an indie rock band if you don't know. Okay well, here is there information.


They're pretty great. The lead singers is a kick ass girl. Not that I know particularly anything about music. Mine is just what everyone else says. I listen to what sounds good to me. I've always wanted to be have a great ear for music, but alas, I have no ear for music other than what makes me feel when I listen to it. Pretty simple and pretty tactless. Therefore, I am no expert, no critic and definitely not a reliable source to listen to.
But, I promise you, if you give them a listen, a chance you won't stop listening to them. You'll find how wonderful they are and their lyrics. Check them out.


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