A World of Ramblings

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

No ordinary Tuesday

After having slept like a log yesterday night, (after my exhausting crying, deep cleaning and pantry organization night) I woke up at 7:30. To be frank, I didn't expect to be up till at least noon. However, up I was and my day continued to have trials that I had to toil through, although I can't tell if I passed or not.
Clearly though, I am still exhausted and my mind isn't properly functioning. I am not even sure what I am writing, why I am writing at all and how successful my policy of no editing on my blog will be.

Let me say, organizing books is a lot harder than people think it is. This is why you should always be nice to your local librarian and the bookstore you shop from. The things we name simple are simple because we never have to do them, and especially not for a long duration. I always used to appreciate my librarian, I just now have a whole new level of respect for them. Remember kids, put the books you borrowed where you got them from!

Laundry got done, clothes got placed to where they belong. Paper work, binders and folders got organized, created and took their new places on my shelves. A long shower accompanied by food was pretty much the only down time I had. I feel like a horse that works in the fields.

I ended up going to downtown twice; out of my own stupidity and scattered brain at the moment. Can you blame me? I am still low on sleep and my mind is still fried from the previous day. Yay me! Anyway, I ended up taking care of my postal needs, paid some bills, changed my phone number. Here I am, sitting at a coffee shop, I was supposed to do some research for my taxes, but well...I am too tired to actually focus and research. My eye on the other hand is killing me. It's swollen and it's watery, itchy and it hurts and it's only my right eye. So I know it's not allergy, leaving me with about another hundred possibilities and I still I don't know what got into it, why it's this way, but I do hope it just stops soon. Keeping my eyes open has become a hassle.

I haven't actually done any studying, that is going to have to wait till this weekend I am afraid. I definitely need to get my taxes done and my banking in order. Which is what tomorrow is for. Thursday is a sabbath and I wish to adhere to it in my home. That leaves me the weekend to play catch up in my readings.

Tonight though, I am going to rush home and get to sleep. With every cell in my body aching and my legs feeling like they're about to be torn off, with my eye constantly aching, the best thing I can do is just sleep I figure and figure out the rest tomorrow.

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