A World of Ramblings

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

1 Year Anniversary

Today is our 1 year anniversary. A whole year since the first day we met, began talking to each other, confessed our feelings to one another, made the decision to try this out, moved in, went through Ramadan, Muharrem, birthdays, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, Valentines and eventually arriving at today.

It's interesting to note the fluidity of time, where at first it stalled, stagnated and then flied out the window and a whole year found itself completed and has made us both feel warm, awed and that we've been with one another for a life time.

It feels like we've always been together and that, we've opened our eyes to the world, with one another, as if no other person existed, and there were no interferences and in this world, there is just you and me.

Never had I loved anyone so much, with all of my soul to the last drop of it, and never had I been loved so much, with all of his beliefs, passion and being.

I could never be without you, for you are my world.

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