A World of Ramblings

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

No More Moving Blues

Now that it has been decided for us that we must move out, it's been a relief. It was not what we were planning, but it's now our reality. Now that it is, it's actually slowly getting me excited. Excited, because I can leave this place with all kinds of history, past behind. A history that doesn't belong to me. S and I can start a new, leaving our old fights behinds, the issues that has been bothering us, and we can begin a new life at our new apartment, together. A union of solidarity and cohesiveness. It means I can also do both a physical and a mental clean-up. Get rid of old stuff, begin a new and start feeling better myself.

To be boxing stuff to give away, to throw out and to bring with us to our new apartment is relaxing. A little bit of the old is getting aired, tosses away, and by removing the old, it's giving me the space to breathe and embrace anew.

Maybe, moving is no longer a bad thing.

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