A World of Ramblings

Saturday, March 16, 2013


Tomorrow is St.Patrick's Day. Two years in a row, I've ended up in Rochester when I really wanted to be in Madison, Chicago or Milwaukee. How does that even happen, especially with no prior planning to make it this way?

I was really looking forward to celebrating St.Patrick's this year with S at Chicago, at the very least in Madison, catching the State St.Parade and hope to engage in the whole traditional, amazingly disgusting beer and whisky consumption to the max as the Americans do on St.Patrick's Day.

I am disappointed and hurt by so many things since I've came here that I don't think I am getting better, though I am definitely motivated to return and get things started once I get there, that this, the whole missing St.Patrick's had made the icing on the cake.

There is something off, different, distant and further descending between my mom and I. I can't quite tell what it is. But I wish I knew...on second thought, I am not sure if knowing anything will actually change anything. Anything at all.

So, here's to swallowing some cheap wine my mom has with my disappointment.



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