A World of Ramblings

Monday, November 19, 2012

Pumpkin Picking

Fall is here with all of its glory for just a few more days, before the gruesome truth of winter freezes us, slowly, starting from our extremities to our very spine and soul.

But until that devastation occurs, here's to fall, and pumpkins. There is nothing like a pumpkin latte, a pumpkin pie and pumpkin picking. They have to be some of my the most favorite things to in the fall, especially here in Madison, Wisconsin.

A few weeks back, we took the sun's invitation to be outside, play and enjoy the last sun rays for the next several months to come. With a few friends from our group, we found ourselves at the country side, walking in a farm that's quite literally miles away from any kind of town, and be lost in the feel good scavenger hunt for pumpkins.

Now, only if we can carve them in time :)

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