A World of Ramblings

Friday, November 2, 2012

Past Bayram

Eid has passed us now. Unfortunately, Eid passed us by like the passing by of a soft summer's breeze. Brief, warm and unable to appreciate it until it's gone, looking for a wind that's cooler. Because I recently just started a new job that is demanding and takes every waking moment away from me (nearly, exception of showering, cooking and eating), Eid was there and we did absolutely nothing special as we had planned.

That's the way life works supposedly. I know this, I've been through this so many times, it's not particularly questionable. I know this as a matter of fact in life. However, it's always sad to see the opportunities you've been waiting for, the days you were anticipating drain from in between your fingers. I had the whole thing planned out. I was going to cook and bake, invite people over, listen to traditional music and research the origins and find out more about the things I was supposedly know since birth, simply because I was born a Muslim.

So with work, this opportunity has passed away too.

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