A World of Ramblings

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Um, Woodmans?

"We've certainly went grocery shopping many times before. How could we not? We live together. Each time, we've learned something entirely different about one another and we've faced with a lot of the same reactions in one another. It's always a little exciting walking down the aisles with you, as you tell one funny story another in your mind, all related to something, one thing or the other in a chain reaction of your story telling. A little sadly, it's always been difficult to get enough time from your hectic schedule to ensue our own practices and rituals on a weekly basis though. Regardless, today, you were here with me, focused on the task at hand. Cheerful, singing, even a little excited with the small cup of tea I placed in your hand, you were ready to roll with punches all day long. How could I ever have known you'd enjoy Woodman's so much, or the fact that you actually liked shopping? Oh, the wonders of the world when I am with you."

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