A World of Ramblings

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Inability to Grasp

I've wanted to decline talking about this directly, although I am sure unintentionally pointed out to, directed to, unveiled some sort of difficulties. The problem isn't between the two of us--this isn't to say we don't have other things to talk out, understand and solve--but more so about people from the past.

I've shut my past tight. Everyone has a past, any grown up comes into any new relationship aware, knowing and understanding that. However, not everyone is capable of making it known and understanding appropriate behavior when we have new people in our lives with important places in our hearts and significant positions in our lives. There are certain boundaries to never cross, and the truth to come to accept. I understand certain people are disposed to clinging on to and living in the past. I can be one of those people. After all, I am one of those people who adamantly hold on to the lessons, emotions and people of the past myself. That doesn't mean that I don't recognize when to let go, move on and create a better, bigger, more intimate and warmer world for myself to reside in. Not to mention, not letting our prides be chewed and spit back out, being disrespected. In addition, we should always respect the new people that enter into the lives of the people we care about.  Needless to say, this was not given to me.

The past seems to keep knocking and at times trying to break through that door S and I have carefully, sturdily built with a lot of effort, time and incredible intricate layers and barge in. Trying to come in between two people who have linked their hearts together and trying to build a solid, happy, healthy, loving future together is evil, hurtful and plain disheartening. This simply shows malice, ill intent and the desire to hurt, ravage through and burn. Burning anything that is insight and breaking anything there is to break. Destroying the sacred emotions between two are incredibly insensitive and immature.

You're insane and have problems. Please seek a psychologist to end this emotional and psychological turmoil. Stop taking out on me and our relationship.

I also cannot understand the mentality of any woman who can put her pride aside and take part in such immodest, immoral and reprehensible acts that not only be little your value, and create disgust in our minds. I cannot understand the malicious attitude and acts that are geared to hurt. That is just evil.

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