A World of Ramblings

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Not Sure About This

My body has gone ahead and decided to betray me. I'm completely used up. I have no energy left. All I want to do is sleep, sleep and sleep some more. I just can't seem to be getting anywhere near enough sleep. It doesn't want to get up, it doesn't want to clean, it doesn't want to cook, it certainly does not want to read. I think I just need some time off, to recover and reassess.

I can't say I am entirely shocked, because I was aware how badly I was mistreating my own body, my own vessel, the ship that needed to sail and navigate all of these thoughts and feelings. Inevitably, here we are.

Life takes its toll out on your body and it certainly is now punishing me for not resting it properly, when I should have. Besides, all this mental clamoring and the noises that has been coming out of our mouths accompanied by such negatively connotated words and associated with such troubling emotions, it really is normal under the circumstances given.

I just need to sleep it off...

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