A World of Ramblings

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Catching up to Life

*sigh*. Deep Breath. Whoo. What busy couple of weeks that was!

My time was filled both with joy and has left me with great memories to remember by. However, it has also left me a little tired, emotionally drained and well, while other things got done, some things got left out, unfinished, undone, incomplete. It seems I also have to catch up on other things that I had figured I'd always have down, like my prayers. But I am glad today that I was able to catch up with my prayers and home economics :) Little things around the home add up and can either decrease or increase peace and happiness I find at home... I am willing to bet nearly anything that it is also the same for anyone who views their living quarters as home, rather than just an apartment, house or some temporary living arrangements. The few moments I get to catch up, catch my breath and enjoy the peace, stability and freedom of living alone, the contentment I have from life are always welcome and never last long enough. And moments like these, I can do anything, as life seems like a cold river that just rushes down, peacefully though, as it takes in all the soil around it, integrating into the sea of life. I can take my time, read that book I've been putting off, rearrange my poetry and focus on an old letter that never got finished.

Life is good, thank you GOD.

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