A World of Ramblings

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Now that spring is here, everyone has new hair cuts, new clothes and new make-up to show their faces. After all, we are all coming out of our shells and our bubbles for the spring. We are all returning back to life in a sense. Easter is in the spring after all.

With that said, everyone's faces have opened up like sunflowers. So I've been seeing all kinds of faces and eye brows through the streets of Madison and Wisconsin in general. Though I am no expert, I have been itching to say something to some of the girls I see in the street.

I could never understand girls who over tweezed their eye brows and have left them impoverished, thin lines that makes them look old, sad, irritable and plain "bad" looking.

The thing about continual over-tweezing is that your eye brows will stop growing at a certain time. As you get older, your eye brow production stops and leaves you with a few eye brows by the time you hit 70. Now you might think you won't care by then, but also extremely thin eye brows makes you look older than you are. You don't ever want to have too think and too arched eye brows. That's like a double negative that doesn't end up producing a positive.

While you don't have to have an arch, an arch usually supports many different kinds of faces. Also having a good set of eye brows will make your daily make up routine easier, your face more approachable and also a full set of eye brows will make you look younger, no matter your age.

So stop plucking and grow out your eye brows. The secret to eye brows is to groom them, give them your desired shape that goes with your face and taste, that suits you, not one that makes you unpleasant so to speak. You want a polished, well taken care of eye brows, not ones that looks like the evil queens from Disney's plagiarized fairy tales.

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