A World of Ramblings

Friday, June 8, 2012

Negativity vs. Positivity

I must still be under the influence of the movie "Wonderful Life". It must have unearthed certain things for me. It must have starkly made clear to me certain truths I must have known, expected and now I must accept.

Some people are positive, no matter what, for example my mother. She will always remain positive and believe at the end that her hard work will pay off. Hard work of anyone will pay off, she believes and in the end she will reach where she always wanted to, even though she is 20 years late for it. She went to college when she was in her late thirties. This woman can accomplish anything. Let me tell you, it's not her superb English that gives her the ability and opportunity to get to where she is and where she will be. It's her positive attitude.

I, on the other hand am a very negative person. Lately, I've been doing a lot of positive frame mind thinking crap I learned many years ago at a stress management class that I barely ever used since then. Though, optimism hurts, at the end it can become a valuable lesson and an asset to possess for further continuing down the line of life, especially toiling through hardships and difficulties. The truth is, it's a lot easier to see the empty side of the glass, focus on the things we lack, don't have and perhaps will never have. It's easier to be negative. Positivity takes effort, time and sincerity. Positivity means, you're taking the time to heal your own wounds, you'll console your own bruised ego and you'll get up on your own and tell yourself that the world continues, tomorrow will be a marvelous sun rise and that you will get your chance if you keep working. You are the one that's encouraging you when you're positive, rather than waiting for someone to encourage you to do something. You are your own cheerleader. You know your own talents better than anyone else and you have your fears held by the balls and you can walk to challenge it as it's voice pitch grows higher and higher with each twist and turn. You conquer your own fears is what I am trying to say.

I don't have as much courage, bravery and strength as my mother. I know my talents but I also seek for others to recognize those talents (or at least used to, not as much anymore, since I've come to terms with myself and made peace with my bad habits and ugly self) so negativity is something that comes naturally.

However, these past 25 years on earth has taught me one thing if it has taught me nothing at all. It's easier to be negative if we don't have something to be happy about. Give a person something to be happy about, a good, solid thing to be happy about and he and she will prosper being positive. That person will put everything he or she has on the line to be positive, stay positive and continue to be happy in order to protect it's happiness. Happiness is one thing that humans can't let go of, no matter what throughout the millenniums. It's like how moths fly to flames. It's exactly how we humans are when the question and matter comes to happiness. We'll fly to flame if it means our happiness.

So give yourself a reason to be happy, find your reason of happiness and be someone's reason of happiness. You'll see flames grow larger by the day.

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