A World of Ramblings

Sunday, June 17, 2012


Fasting...it's required by many religions across the globe. Fasting and I, as much as I admire to it, have a difficult relationship. As a glutton, it always becomes my most persisting sin to overcome.

Regardless of my ability to, or to be precise lack of ability to fast, my bad persevering habits, don't let that fool you, because I don't let it fool me. It can be done if you take the proper necessary countermeasures. If you are actually hydrated, nourished the previous night, properly, there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to fast if you have the faith that you principally should possess, or the principles of faith that should be instilled in you.

No matter what faith you are, fasting teaches mostly similar things. It teaches you patience, it teaches you believe in the other world, after life, and the faith you must have. It will curb your attitude, your beliefs and make you see the world through the eyes of a hungry person. These are noble ideas that are intermingled with fasting that I find so fascinating. It's a test of self really, of faith truly. It tempts you and reminds you to fight temptation of various ways and various things. It also gives you the confidence and courage to fight the temptation of your life (whatever it may be, religiously, non-religiously) on a daily basis. It urges you to adopt a simpler life, for many of us can definitely use certain things simpler.

So for all of these reasons, I would love to be able to fast the given requirements. The only question that remains is when will I be able to do such a thing?

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