A World of Ramblings

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Steady Does It

Today was a reminder of the days gone past and not in the good way where it's reminiscing of the good ol' days gone.  There is no wonder I've been depressed and felt the weight of the world and multiply that by two. I had been shackled--chained so hard and tight, unable to wonder off...to breathe, couped up in my apartment, without seeing the blue skies, inhaling the fresh air, cut off from everything that is human and emotionally inspiring. Everywhere I went, every turn I took lead me to another dead end with a greater disappointment and no smiling face to encourage me to do better. Instead it encouraged to be ashamed of myself, grow uncomfortable in my own skin and mind, imprisoning me further into the depths of hell. Questioning my own purpose and beginning to feel like there was no reason for my existence at all. Psychological hell is so shattering to the human psyche, to the mind, and physically debilitating at the end that you are just awful. You're no different than the log that's lying on the ground.

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