A World of Ramblings

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Life as I know it.

I am not sure if I like the new lay out of this blog. Sure people say it's more convenient...but I am not so confident about that. It looks awfully confusing and well, needless transformations poke my eye out.

Anyway, I am digressing though. It's been a crazy few days and life has been..hectic. My heart won't stop aching and the beats won't slow down for anyone or anything. I've never realized how hard it was to take care of someone and to be a provider for them, endlessly answering their questions and having to share your space as well. The older I get, the more I appreciate my mother. This is a great experience that I probably will cherish for the rest of my life...Only if I could find a job though. If I can manage that, the rest of my time with Irem is going to end up being fabulous. I will be happier most importantly. This weight from my conscious and the pressure from my shoulders would lift and leaving me infinitely lighter. I am not sure how to act or say or do some things around, I am afraid I might come off as rude or intolerant. That is definitely not the way I want to be towards her.

These past few days has been challenging both physically and mentally, leaving me exhausted and well, nonchalant. I haven't been able to do any work since I got back due to the necessities of bringing 8 luggages with you, laundry and moving back in...quite literally. It's a good thing I've got a system of mine that saves time and reduces headaches for me. We all learn by making mistakes right?

I just hope the swelling in my chest goes down and I can come over this difficulty without a great exposure, embarrassment or humiliation.

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