A World of Ramblings

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Rise Before the Sun

I do hope this waking up early, holds a stick this time around for much, much longer than my usual roundabout. I've been waking up even before the sun decides to wake up for the day, recently (when I say recently, I mean for the past two months or so) consistently which is giving me all this extra boost of energy, confidence, morale and well, see the endless number of things I plow through my list of things to do at incredible speeds. All this, I even before to work at 3:00 p.m. So the energizer bunny continues. Well, I can tell you what a delight this all has been. At times, I even find myself shocked at my own changing habits or the durability of the habits I've been able to create. I am still hoping for them to persist far into the future. Regardless of the whys, hows and what not, I am glad it has. It has given me a whole new canvas and vibrant pastel colors to live my life through.

For the first time in what feels like forever, however the timing is about 2 or 3 years or so, it feels like I am actually living, doing, achieving and succeeding, growing closer rather than noticing the objects on the moon have changed their positions ever so slightly, the color of the hovering sky has grown darker or lighter and ex post facto that days have changed on the calender leaves, but leaving without a satisfying day. Days have just accumulated and been erased from my life. I had endured that for the last three years, give or take. But to have this instead is firstly a delight and secondly a gift. A gift that's extremely sacred and perishable at the same time one. One I fear of losing once again as I've found it.

I've caught onto my blend of happiness, oh and how very addictive it is (more addictive than a good cup of Turkish Coffee with Turkish delights on the side), I'm barely able to keep that all to myself. I can hardly contain myself. Well, I am out to explore and let the world change me and let the sun shine on me.

Hello world,
Hello life

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