A World of Ramblings

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Routines and Productive Sundays

It has been about five days since Irem and I have temporarily moved in to my tiny apartment together. Wow, that's a long sentence with too many modifiers. We now vaguely have a routine together that will build and clearly be defined in the next two weeks, after I've found a job. My job is essential in our completed and revised schedule and routine together, because it will likely to take about eight hours of my time, about four to five days a week, along with school. The two together will first determine my schedule,  dictating when I do what reserved time spaced, specific allotted times for specific time periods. In return by default  this will affect her schedule, what she does when, exception of her morning hours where she will mandatorily attend school. This is all great in and of itself, however, of course there will be a few loose screws until I get that job. Hopefully that job will land on my lap quite soon, like this week.

Aside from that, today has been a tremendously productive day. I woke up around I want to say nine-ish and got down to writing my journal, into my dream journal, doing my grammar study for the day and also reading on my chapter a day How to book series which included (how to write a short story,  and how to write a poem). I've cleaned my home, we've had a huge breakfast, taken about two hours to walk around/sight seeing/taking loads of pictures. What's up next on our agenda? We'll be going to the pool, the sauna, coming home for a little grooming session, get ready and go down to the Memorial Union to watch the boat parade, and finally coming home to study :)
Life is as good as it can be right now. Thank you God.

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