A World of Ramblings

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Farmer's Market

It's been a long time since I went out grocery shopping... or moving away from shopping for food to the shopping for home. It feels good to do something for yourself, or for your home if you care about those kind of stuff. But what's even greater is being a part of the big sea of people, ritualistically creating a wide, rough edged circle around the state capital building. If that's not emotive and evocative at the same time, powerful and potent to the human mind and emotions, I am not quite sure what would be. you're literally in the courtyard of the legislature, where farmers set up their standards, displaying their products of their hard work produce of all sizes, colors and textures. To be that close to governmental buildings is not something we, the regular folk is ready to. Well, it is quite possible right here where I live. It has quite the enchanting feeling to be haggling a dozen of sweet corns down to four dollars right in front of the recalling Scott Walker chants.

We bought a good amount of stuff for rather a cheap price, enough to last us for the next several weeks at the very least. If we can keep this up, this should save me loads of money while giving me lots of chances to cook to my heart's desire and test out my cooking capabilities...something I've been looking forward for a long time now.

There is a concert in Memorial Union today. Coming back though, I have lots of catching up to do in my daily schedule. This is not to say that I haven't done anything at all. Quite the contrary, I've done a lot of stuff, like cleaning my bathroom, kitchen, produce placement, news and political research, poetry reading, journal writing, but a good portion of my activities await to be done, after my bills getting paid. I have to say, there is nothing better than a tidy desk and paid bills. It makes me blisfully happy.

Until next time,


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