A World of Ramblings

Sunday, September 25, 2011

How wonderful it is to actually do things again after a weekend of not doing anything in particular. Yesterday night, I partially did my list of things to do as I had a solemn promise to myself to do a ton of reading (which as of yet have only read several pieces of poetry an an essay, along with news articles) and no writing whatsoever (except a mini blog entry and a mini journal entry). This morning though, waking up a little earlier (still late though) getting through laundry, my vocab, grammar readings, dream journal, journal, blog, essay reading, poetry reading....and I am on a roll and it's not even two in the afternoon. With just my reading and writing left to do...I feel good today, unlike the past two days of just dealing with house work and going out :)

It's a wonderful fall day here, it's sunny but crisp, I have a cup of hot coffee that fills my home with a roasted smell that is to die for. Irem and I bought Halloween/Fall themed decorations from Target :) We filled them with popcorn and more and more, everyday my apartment feels like a home.It's grown comfortable, cozy and warm. With the orange pumpkin door-mat, Frankenstein (improperly named) candy dishes, a pumpkin lantern, towels decorating every inch of my tiny kitchen. My laundry folded, I am happy today. Sitting on the floor, sipping from my coffee and with a conference call over Skype going on, my hot water on the stove, the hissing sound brings comfort to my soul, reassuring me I'm home once more. Dickens, await my return from the Arbotoreum to fall into your possessive and eloquent language, where my heart resonates and finds it's home in it's nooks of commas and words like thither, hither.

Happiness comes in small packages, only just as fleetingly.

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