A World of Ramblings

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Post Labor Day

Now that labor day long weekend is over, it's back to routine and normalcy. Or so, what we have of it.

Today started off good, waking up early and getting to my studies. I'll go and talk to a few people about jobs today while I'll roam around to look for new jobs. Hopefully I'll be able to land one..or two to take care of the financial crisis I am in and can't seem to be able to get out of. But if I do get out of it, ah, how wonderful life would be and I can learn to relax finally. Well, all is but a hope.

Now, the only I am hoping for is positive feedback from my job search. This is crucial.In times like these, I'm humbled and relearn the meaning of humility.  I think most humans, eventually realize that hard work, with a great charming smile and that sleek charisma gets you to open many doors that might other wise never have admitted you. But sometimes the solutions we imagine and crack open our heads to get out of the candid situations we're in are useless or always out of reach due to a large hovering ominous obstacle that lays flat on our path to simply put success and happiness. Sometimes none of the solutions we come up with does anything, regardless of endless hours of work we put in, the studious habits we create and the diligence we show in enduring through the daily schedule we painstakingly create in the first place, rain or shine. Sometimes when things are not meant to be, they are not meant to be and even though we pray thoroughly from the bottom of our heart and work extremely hard to realize a goal--it just doesn't happen. And sometimes all there is to blame is the circumstances. Because sometimes we do all there is to do.  Unfortunately there are no guarantees of getting repaid for your hard work. So what do you do then? Well, I unfortunately don't have the answer, hence I am still straddled in the situation I've just so elaborately discussed, possibly to the point of beating the horse dead. Recently I was at the point of giving it all up and damning it to hell. But then, I realized, of course quite miraculously over in my dreams that that's all I would be doing for the rest of my life, a bit too depressive and repetitious for my liking. As much as I like daily routines to further my knowledge in academic areas, by no means do I like monotone and I seek change quite often. Probably more often than your average Jane Doe. It's not the kind of life I want for myself, that's for quite sure. So the only path to go on is the one I've been treading, working at it until it gets better, because unless I do something it's not going to get better on it's own anyway. So with that as my only option left, what else am I to do? Of course to get up and look for jobs as I keep my research and academic work.

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