A World of Ramblings

Monday, July 8, 2013

Eve of Ramadan

Today is the day we get up to fast for Ramadan.

This year, I am so ambivalent towards Ramadan, religion and everything spiritual. I just had my heart and soul ripped out, I feel that I have transgressed the most sacred bonds, unity and moral truth and have sinned far beyond my capacity to be forgiven that anything remotely religious seems to create such a negative reaction within the fibers of my soul.

Technically, usually and whole-heartedly, I am a very spiritual, believing person that at the very least believes in essence of it. After the difficulties and everything that happened in June, I am so far removed from the physical, the material, the spiritual, the true or anything at all. I am lost at my own abyss and have no ability to let go or move or seek acceptance, understanding. I just want to drown in my misery, secretly, privately, and don't want anyone to know about it, without it interfering with our lives. I want to go on accomplishing the daily tasks and required tasks of the short term and long term.

Religion, however is far too eerie currently though. It is something my own body seems to reject and morbidly question.

Let's see if I can made do, without truly having my heart in it to practice Ramadan. I am hoping it brings me some peace, rather than torment me more maliciously then before.

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