A World of Ramblings

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Art of Indie Publishing Class

Today is my second class of E publishing class. Whoever taught this was easy, well, kindly reconsider that opinion of yours.

I don't know how much I will concretely and actually benefit from this class in the long run and in an immediate manner. However it has given me some tools to think about the path I want to take as a writer for the upcoming year. It has renewed a passion, brought about new routes to explore and take upon on my journey as a weary writer. Who isn't in this profession, sister? Having options and a sort of plan where you can do something to walk towards your life long goal, dream is encouraging, refreshing and something that damn well makes me happy. I feel like I have actually started moving again, instead of stagnating where I have been as the Ottoman Empire's last century before destruction and oblivion.

The little steps that matter, this has to be one of them, this opportunity right here, right now. I am just not sure how much of the information disseminated here can be actually understood due to the nature of the instructor. She is so hyper and all over the place. It's going to be a lot of research time for me after this class, definitely. Do I feel that it was worth my money? No. But it is a great start for me, so I am not going to complain.

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