A World of Ramblings

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Park Ave. Festival

The infamous Park Ave. Fest took place last weekend from early Saturday morning until Sunday evening.

They close off the entire street where no cars are allowed, people rush into the avenue, sidewalks cluttered with white tents, in it ornaments, art and a lot of useless crap are sold at usually high prices. There are fun things like, caricature drawings, live music (not always good music, or even talented singers and musicians--music nonetheless) and endless supply of food, all kinds of food: fast food, restaurants of different cuisines, candy and snacks, traditional favorites like cotton candies. That part is my favorite part of the festival. People get drunk about three in the afternoon and remain drunk until Sunday morning where people can't wake up before three in the afternoon and hung over well into Monday. It's really an excuse to drink and well, go wild and get arrested for inappropriate decency.

It's also fun when you're not working a double shift both days, starting early, getting off late, when it's not humid, stiflingly hot and overbearingly busy. Oh, it's definitely not a walk in the park when you're fasting as well. Not a drop of liquid, or a bite of solids. Nothing at all. To work at a restaurant is a hard work, but to do that fasting, on top at a Park ave. Festival, I was ready to fall off the face of the earth and become one with my bed. Dealing with drunk customers is extraordinarily challenging is the icing on the cake.

Regardless, for the past three years, I had not attended the Park Ave. Fest. Attending old time regulars has brought up many memories and it was also an easy way to entertain my guest here. Squeezing her in between my one or two hour breaks between two shifts both days was not something I was crazy about, or even proud of...or even liked for that matter. I wish I could have devoted a large amount of time to go through each store, carefully, while stuffing our faces. But we did get our caricature drawn and she was able to buy cupcakes and we ended up taking lots of photos and having a lot of laughs at others' expense...However, as long as she had a good time, I can't have too much to complain about.

Learning to take the good with the bad :)

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