A World of Ramblings

Friday, August 26, 2011

Alone Time

Alone is much appreciated by me...especially lately and will become increasingly a hot commodity.
Today though, strangest and well a very pleasing change has come my way. Ramadan is nearing to it's end and today is a religious day for all Muslims. It's the day of Kadir. Eid Fitr is on the 30th of August. So just a few more days to go.

Irem wanted to go look at some new merchandise for herself and to take back home as gifts. Miraculously and much to my delight she has understood that I am not that fond for shopping through subtleties and I am extremely happy because of that, some of my stress is alleviated. My mom dropped her off at Marshall's and she will later join me, hopefully after I am done with my list of things to do, dropping me off at Barnes and Noble. It's quiet, peaceful and clean here. I am well satisfied. I've been looking for a chance like this, well for nearly a month. Maybe a little longer than that. No one to bug me, ask me questions, asking me to resolve issues, no one to take responsibility for. Just me and me and my books and my thoughts and my pen and paper...where I can be alone with my thoughts, feelings, reactions and the increasingly growing complicated ideas that are looking for a way out to express themselves out...in one way or another. The stories that are growing bulky and needs trimming, as soon as possible.

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