A World of Ramblings

Friday, May 24, 2013

Marriage Ceremony

In the few hours I was able to squeeze in sleep this morning, before our big day, We shared a dream. I have no idea what I truly dreamed, because I was so tired that I just passed out. What I mean is that we shared our dream of a life time, where we promised to work together for our dreams, the very dreams we share in the long and short run. We've made our commitments long ago, in secret, between just the two of us, but today, we would be repeating our promise, commitment and dreams in front of a judge, a group of friends, among them people we count as family.

S and I have never been shy from one another, especially when it comes to honesty, communication, and sharing secret details about one another, including those extremely humiliating stories that could shame us to the grave and all the embarrassing things we've said since the beginning of our consciousness. By now, so much has happened that, we even know things about one another that we really ought not to, considering some of these were difficult things to accept, understand, relate and digest. Though we did and are closer for it as we truly were able to examine one another's mind, logic and truly come to see each others soul with all of its vibrant and dull colors, in all the shapes, forms and memories it carries with it. Besides, everyone is entitled to privacy and some of their own past, is bound only to them and should only be shared with the people concerning the particular experience of the past. On a brighter side, we've always been upfront about the things we wanted to have, we wanted to achieve. We were upfront about the things we desired of one another, the good details we found in one another and the expectations of each other, from each other and of our relationships. We shared the dainty, the firm, the solid, the leading, the ever changing and the never changing dreams one by one. We embellished them with our individualistic traits and then merged together to have one common goal, where our personal goals were realized, recognized and we had plans to work for them, to achieve for them. I and You and She an Her, became US and WE and WE had a plan for us and individually we knew of one anothers plan for the future.

To be able to marry the love of your life is an incredible lucky thing that should never go without being appreciated and always thanked for. Not many of us end up down the aisle with the people we both passionately love and feel we were destined to be, meant to be.

To have married you, to have meet you, to have married you has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. It is true we had a fairy tale beginning and a fantastic growth, but it's also equally true we've had our share of troubles, difficulties and near impossible things we thought we couldn't get over. And yet today, we knowingly said I Do to a world of troubles that will be assaulting us, first thing in the morning. If you are with me though, no matter how rough, how difficult the storm, how high the mountain and how impossible the track is, we'll weather it through, because I've got my hands in yours, and you've got your eyes in mine.

To a happy, healthy, fulfilling life where the passion never dwindles and we grow with each other, against all odds.

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