A World of Ramblings

Monday, February 25, 2013


I want to be far away here, in a very far away time period, where none of this will come to matter, because we would be so removed from the situation.

Having dealt with this, having faced the consequences and eventually learned a way to move on. Anywhere but in this slice of time, where my own thoughts are killing me. The battle of the mind and the heart is never easy to swallow and especially bitter when the topic is something you've desired for so long, longingly, yearning and hoping for the day your dreams come true.

Only if...well, we all live our own sins eventually. How about the price others pay for our sins? What about them? What should be done for them? Would any kind of apology we offer sooth the pain away?

I assume, more than most likely not. I don't have a magic wand, so I can't time travel to a future where this is no longer the prevailing issue of the time. Then the only option is to weather through the severe storm and hope for a brighter day.

Is it so simple to do so?

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