A World of Ramblings

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Cannot Delete

The wheels start turning, but it's already too late. All I can say is ask myself, what have I done? If I could have anticipated the consequence to be so deadly and gravid, I would have never, ever insisted. I have become the cause for someone's head. How awful, how wretched of me. How brazen and disgusting.

My mind is about ready to explode, and with all of my sincerity, I am sorry. I hope one day, in the future you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I am selfish. Forgiveness would mean everything to me. But I have no right to ask of it. This shows the depth of my self centered ego and selfishness. Don't forgive me, because you have every right to condemn me to hell. I've deserved it, because I knew better. I should have done better. I promise to keep my life dedicated to you, for you and always, always, be ashamed, forgotten and broken for the rest of my days on Earth. Nothing can erase what I have done.

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