A World of Ramblings

Monday, July 2, 2012

Streets of Madison

Madison streets are notorious for me. Beautiful and healing, there is this property of quality I can't quite explain to others, or even to myself, quite ironically disregarding my ability of describing things in detail and skills (or lack there of) at writing. It's like rediscovering your favorite band that you've forgotten about, or the pictures you've taken, left to turn yellow in your photo box, somewhere, deep in the corner of your closet. Rediscovery is probably what it most symbolizes, most perfectly--or as near it as it can get.

It's like finding some sort of great treasure, you've missed before hand. You just didn't have the eyes that required to see it's beauty yet. Yet, though six months later, you'll stand there, having immensely grown, equipped with a pair of eyes that will see through the opaque and the transparent alike, with a great taste of art in it's essence. You'll end up rediscovering not only yourself, but life in general.

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