A World of Ramblings

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Letters, Mail and the Green Eyed Monster

There is something magical about getting letters from family and friends in the mail. As much as I hate getting bills to pay, I love getting letters all that much more. Especially if they're written with care, love and attention, with lots of cheesy lines and sentimental feelings behind. Nothing beats getting a letter--more like a package from Turkey with pictures, letters and flowers from my old garden. That makes me happy beyond words. I love getting those beautifully hand written letters from my cousin that always includes poetry that I love and adore, and including religious information that I am not able to obtain anywhere else. I also love getting packages from my mom...what doesn't she put in those things, aside from the materialistic side of the equation. There is something about old fashioned things that technology's ease of information sharing and communication can't fulfill for me.

It is true with the innovative technologies we've all had our share of destroying the distances between two people. I think I am a great example of that. I have family still living in Turkey that are a big part of my heart and life, I have friends all over the world including Turkey and Australia. But no email is as important as a handwritten letter to me. It's cliche to say, I know, but there is something more sentimental in a letter that I can never find in an email. There is a part of the soul attached in a letter that you can never attach in an email although you can always attach a picture, a link, even an audio clip in an email. It should be more convenient. But maybe that's exactly the point. Emails are convenient and letters are not. You have to write them, you can't erase a blank field in a letter as you can with an email. You have to sign your name and put it in an envelope and send it through the postage system, sometimes even risking losing that letter/mail and patiently hope that it arrives safe and sound, hoping the recipient cares about it as much as you do and will reply as soon as they get your letter.

That being said, jealousy could be a green-eyed monster. I've always been the type of girl who has said jealousy is normal in love, in true love. The person who loves will be jealous and can lose him/herself unless the other party reassures, confirms and satisfies their jealousy with honest and genuine answers. I've always thought that without jealousy that feelings were not true and could have been affirmed. I still do believe that, with all of my heart. I also think that if you're jealous your partner shouldn't do certain things on purpose to drive you into the edge of insanity and care enough to quell that jealousy and madness and could watch a few words, acts and dressing. But if your partner is doing everything s/he possible can about fighting off those swarms and has not betrayed your trust in anyway before, you should trust them. There is jealousy and clear paranoia. However, sometimes if we keep repeating the same mistakes it just might drive the other person to think we're doing it on purpose and with a clear intent to betray them, or that we do not care enough about them to change small behaviors. Let me be clear though: you shouldn't ask that person to change their clothing, knowingly and intentionally try to make them feel bad about themselves, bruise their egos and break that person's self esteem and confidence. That's just your own low self esteem speaking and you can't seem to picture yourself next to the person you're with. You shouldn't be mean, condescending and conniving.If the person you're with is doing that, you're a lot better off ditching that person.

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