A World of Ramblings

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Religious Propoganda

Yesterday night, after my last blog I told myself that I was not going to write in here for a while, until at least my work finished, but seems like there I find myself here naturally after starting my laptop.
I hate writing about this, but it upsets me so much. Its hard to hold it in. It only becomes normal to let it out through here.

So, because its Eid, people have been really flooding into my house. Which is good, shows that people respect and care about my grandparents and parents. But when you are a guest at someone elses house, people should be courteous. If you don't like their sect of religion, their life styles, then don't go there. If you feel unhappy and uncomfortable, then there is no reason to go to that person's house. If there are differences that people can't over come, obviously there are quite a few factors, and by putting each other in tight positions and distressing one another does no good for no body. Stress is bad. I think even a four year old knows this. Then why do grown ups continually create more stress in their daily lives for their own and others? Honestly makes no sense.

So, take your religious propoganda of non drinking, hair covering, body controlling, to somwhere else. If you want to talk about it, don't even show up at my door step, but if you are willing to set aside religious differences, then obviously all is welcome.
Don't tell me that because I am a female, I can no longer think for my own self, and decide for my own life choices. Don't tell me that I can't shake some other male's hand because I obviously am grown up. Its in the matter of the heart, not in physical appereance only.
Don't blame me for your own short comings in faith, and your little self discipline.
Grow some balls and be a man.

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