A World of Ramblings

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

So, this is a bit of a late news.

My head is a little clogged up lately, added with very little motivation. I am always tired, and I seem to be eating less and less, although not on purpose. It seems as though the harder I try to gain weight and get things done, the harder it has been to concentrate, do things, and gain weight. I feel, light slipping away from my very own finger tips. Its just how my body works, call it defense mechanism. Its a vicious vicious cycle. So many things to do, so little time, so much pressure and stress gets to me. On top of that, working on a restaurant does very little to me. So, I don't have as much appetite as I originally would. But because I don't eat enough, my nervous system is a wreck. I come to realize, it also makes me paranoid! Definitely puts a damper on my good happy mood.

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