A World of Ramblings

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


It's awkward to think about babies. They take so many different shapes, forms, names and go through several stages that sometimes, it's not only confusing but also difficult to adapt.

They begin with basic anatomical parts/excretions and cannot begin without one another. It becomes an embryo, eventually a fetus, then a baby and begins to be called an infant, then a toddler and eventually a child.

The miraculous part is often that it begins within you and takes time to figure out that you even are carrying, or have perhaps successfully conceived. Sometimes, that just might be the worst news you can receive about your own body. If you're single, or perhaps not in a committed relationship, or are not interested in having children at all, or whatever the reason might be. As many reasons as there are out there for having children, there are just as many, if not more for not having or wanting to have children.

You change with it. Your body becomes perhaps beautiful, perhaps revolting to some. But you change with it. Your body will never be once what it was after being pregnant, even if you don't carry it full term.

Your life will change once you do have a baby. It is true. I don't need to have a baby to see that and understand that piece of information. It is a living, breathing example in front of me, continually, and the examples come from near and far. It keeps getting move detailed, involved and evolved. I see it a little bit more clearly as my age increases and I experience through more of life everyday and perhaps take one ladder step a day.

They're fascinating, they're monstrous and miracles--truly. This tiny human being, with a heart, soul, fingers, eyes and lips, and its own personality from the moment its been conceived, or been born, whatever you believe in. It will change and will have its own life, fate, destiny and future in front of it. As a parent, while you without a doubt will try to influence its life and you will succeed, more than you think, there are times where you can't do anything about the direction your child's life is going. It will have to live its own life and battle its own wars. That's how it has been for you, for me, your parents and inevitably, how it will be for your child if you decide to bring a baby into the world.

Once they're born, there is no taking it back. There is no, let's begin anew. It is yours and a part of you. Whether you emotionally and psychologically bond with it or not. It is legally yours. It is biologically yours.

Its confusing because for a while there,they will be entirely dependent on you. And you will become well, so to speak in frank terms, a slave. Milk it, bathe it, change its diaper, play with it, be consumed by it in your adoration of it, play with it, put it to sleep and the list just goes on and on.
Then eventually as the years roll on, it becomes less dependent on you, more in-tune with its on body, mind and soul, its own desires and wants and hates. Eventually it will want to discover the world for its self. Eventually it will grow up. But a certain part of it will never stop needing you.

It would be hard to get used to...presumably.

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