A World of Ramblings

Saturday, June 15, 2013


Sometimes, all I can seem to handle is read through comics, manga, and watch anime mindlessly to numb everything down. But as a surprise of many, possibly, it only furthers my own damnation to my own isolation, forsakenness, and the morbid nature that decays, slowly sometimes, fervently.

I know that there are many people who think that comics, manga and anime are for children only and for light amusement, and perhaps for entertainment. I disagree. There is so much of detail, thoughtfulness and art that goes into creating and drawing the storyboards, the panels of comics and manga. The characters have to be just as real as literary who have to be just as real as real people existing among us, with us. They have to create interesting story worlds, think about theme, elements, style and to unify them carefully and cohesively so that while reader may get other lessons and morals out of the story, but also at the same time, receive a similar understanding of the story as the next person.

So the next time you make slight of these forms of art, think again.

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