A World of Ramblings

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Personal Empires

We all have these, don't we? The castles of our own kind, where we rule, reign and have all the freedom in the world one can ask for, in a humanly manner.

I know I have mine. I've always had it,whether I was in elementary school, living here on my own and with S.

It isn't because I am this dictator kind of person who needs to be pampered and that I feel my word is as good as gold. My empire is my home because it is the happiest I am in. It's the sum of everything I idealize in the world that has of any meaning to me. It's the physical manifestation of my commitment to myself, to my love, to my work as a writer and as a decent human being.

It's the space where I lovingly cook, fix and decorate all the problems of hunger. It's the one place in the world that I love coming to at the end of my very long, weary and disappointing days. My world consists of coming home to a beautiful kitchen and dropping off my heavy book bag, letting out a sigh of relief and happiness to see my wonderful husband, and carefully think back of the day and check all things I've accomplished. Snuggle up on our old, worn out couch as we put on another Netflix movie. We watch a lot of movies and they're best with lots of love and well, the cakes I make.

To finally make it to bed, sleepy and ready to face another day, though, not just yet. Not until I fall asleep and dream.

Well, that's the dream.

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