A World of Ramblings

Sunday, July 31, 2011


What a long day it has been. Awoken up, unable to go back to sleep, with my sleep lost the only thing to do is to write.

As if our family was not enough for us, we now have a bomb that's waiting to explode on our lap. I can just hear it's non-existent tick-tocking as cords grow tense and people desperate. The truth is i don't know this girl. I've never seen her before until recently. Here she is, living in my grandparents home and police is involved, with a mixture of lies, conceit, deceit and a lot of role playing--not the sexy kind.

To be blunt and rather crude, I do not believe that she is as innocent as she claims. Why? She talks way too much about the issue, revealing so many personal details with so many new information being excavated each time. It makes you wonder. I believe without a doubt that he mentally, emotionally and physically has abused her. Without a doubt, I believe in her parents-in-law along with brother and sister-in-law interfering with their marriage, home and personal lives. Do I believe non of it ever was not instigated? Still, though that's not a reason to be abusive. There is never any excuse to be abusive towards anyone. Do I believe she is guiltless, faultless and innocent as the color white and star lilies? No, absolutely not. I think she probably has her own problems to sort out through and has probably inflicted her own version of abuse on her husband.

It comes down to making sure that a girl at the age of 24 is not left to fend for herself in the middle of the street after literally being kicked off from her own and only home, with her rights and person-hood violated. Of course, after being called my mom was not going to let her stay by herself to take care of her own problems when she can't even speak two words of English. That's just mean and inhuman. I do think she is trying to take advantage of us, of the situation and pretty much anyone she has come across in Rochester.

What does this mean for me? It means that my day has become unproductive when it could have been one of the most productive days of my week. I could have finished my book, I could have gone through my daily schedules and well...not be involved in this whole thing. Would I have lost anything...absolutely not. Did I gain anything...other than the confirmation of my hypothesis on Turkish Marriages...nada. My convictions was something I had already come to firmly believe. One more or one less failed marriage was not going to make me sway one way or the other. My list left unfinished, worked was absolutely horrific. It was busy and well, when the people you work with don't tip you your more than well deserved 10 percent and the owner's son who forgoes giving any...when it's his ass I have to clean up after the most--is more than a little unnerving. After coming home for literally less than 5 minutes, going back out to pick up my brother was the last drop.

On the bright side, I got a wonderful letter today that made me smile wide from one ear to the other. I must have reread it about a dozen times by now.

Sleep, where are you???

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