A World of Ramblings

Saturday, July 23, 2011

My Parents

To me, my parents are the greatest people on earth. They're different as night and day from each other, they were never in love with one another perhaps, but they've toiled through some of the most difficulties in life that would have broken even the most passionate loving marriages. Yet, here they are, perhaps each unsatisfied and unhappy in their marriage separately and yet again they're still together, toiling through one more obstacle in life that fate seems to endlessly throw at them.

Both of my parents got married rather early in their life via parent-arrangement. When one thinks of my mom, no one could imagine my father to be her husband, standing next to her crudely in his smaller frame. He doesn't fill the space next to her, he doesn't fill her heart; I fear her heart has been empty romantically for over a decade now. It's quite shocking to see that somehow though they have been making this marriage work, perhaps not in any of the conventional ways people speak and write about. I don't know what's more tragic though: her heart being empty or that they are making this loveless marriage work.

Regardless my parents have always been hard workers, always ended u with the short end of the stick and remained moral people with pure and loving hearts. They have, no matter how difficult their situation has been always done the right things and did them the right ways. They're still caring even after being short-changed by pretty much everyone. They have never stopped caring for their close friends and family, and they have never denied a shelter and food for anyone who needed a refuge and sanctuary, even when they had non to spare. They've always been generous and open handed, that's one personality trait I admire endlessly and at the same time get upset over. However, I am my parents' daughter and I know I will end up in one way or another like them, eventually. Life's waves will carry me there, that is without a doubt.

Through my parents, I've learned so many valuable and limitless lessons that I could have never been able to learn through two lifetimes by myself. They're eternally flawed like any human being inhabiting this planet. There are certain things I wish I could change about my parents. My father is really rough around the edges, my mother is too forgiving and too fragile, even after all these hardening experiences that would have turned any one else on this earth to a stone cold stoic. That's something to admire in a human being, one way I am not like my mother at all.

I am fiercely loyal and protective of my parents. I see things they overlook in people, well you see, I am much more corrupt than they could ever be. There is very little I wouldn't do in order to protect them. And here I am, I have to protect both of them, from others, from each other, from the world, other wise, it just may be the end of us as a family, and not just parents, siblings, but extending all the way back to our roots. So, why am I rambling about this here on this blog? I haven't the slightest clue at all. But I wanted to talk about my parents in a way I hadn't before so that someone in particular in my mind could read about them and maybe understand the relationship my parents and I have together and the relationship you and I have together?

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